deep astrology

to guide your life

Your life is changing. You're waking up and asking questions like:
Is this what I want? Is this all there is? Is this who I am?
Where You Are

You feel that your life lacks deep meaning and purpose.
You're stuck or unsatisfied and ready to start a new chapter.
You want to learn astrology.

You feel that your life lacks deep meaning and purpose.

You're stuck or unsatisfied and ready to start a new chapter.

You want to learn astrology.

You're ready to transform your life. You've had an awakening and are asking questions like:
Is this what I want? Is this all there is? Is this who I am?

You've come to the realization that the life you thought you should live is no longer deeply satisfying

You want to care for your physical, emotional and spiritual needs

You feel that life is asking something of you


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A few facts about me


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eget libero arcu. Suspendisse nec elit at arcu porttitor faucibus. Morbi suscipit consequat ipsum sit amet viverra. Cras a nisi congue, pellentesque odio sed, facilisis purus. 

A few facts about me

Aurora is for you if...




Imagine if you could...

live a soul-based life

rediscover your original self

find deeper meaning, fulfillment and satisfaction

Ben is a teacher and coach who has studied Soul and Archetypal Psychology with Thomas Moore and Applied Astrology with Brian Clark. He lives in Seattle, WA and has two daughters.

Aurora is guided by four principles: respect and value for all people and experiences, a willingness to adapt and change over time, the importance of laughter and a deep trust in the order of the universe.

About Ben

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“The wisely conscious life springs out of an unconscious suggestion.”
- Henry David Thoreau

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